Saturday, January 24, 2009


Our attempt to eliminate the annual freezing of our dish washer did not succeed. Of course, this year the sub-zero weather went lower than normal and lasted longer than normal. My efforts to insulate did greatly reduce draftiness, but the dish washer did freeze--the drain line freezes nearly every winter. Thawing involves shining a hot-bright light under the washer. This year, it took about 8 hours to thaw. I will have to consider some additional tactics!

Would a heat tape work? or a lamp directed at the pipe during the freezing season? Wow I thought it was cold here but you guys win the prize.
Bummer! and you worked so hard. Thanks goodness for light bulbs.
Yes, that heat tape is a good idea. When we lived in a mobile home for a few years, we had to put heat tape on all the pipes under the trailer. Years ago, Dale's folks had freezing in their pipes coming out of their well. A light bulb in the well cover (with a thermostat switch) prevented any further freezing. But since your problem is right in the house area, you probably don't need a fancy switch, unless you were going to be out of town. Good luck...SPRING WILL COME!!!
Nate and Lissa are coming soon that should warm your hearts. Check out my blog on your birthday Cheryl. I know you'll have a lovely time with our kids.
Love, Shelley
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