Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Lissa is a tree-hugger? More like stump-hugger--it is a little late to save that tree. Actually, I was just looking for a picture to post, since I have not posted for some time.

What I really want to talk about is the absolute craziness I hear from media, current and future government officials about the economy. This morning everybody was crying about the fact that borrowers are having a hard time finding somebody to lend them money. Listen--this is not a mystery. The federal reserve lowered the prime rate to something like 1%. Inflation rate is over 3%. Would YOU loan money at 1% and lose 2% on your money? This "downturn" was supposedly caused by too many loans to too many people who cannot make their housing payments--people who were hoping to make money on a quick buy-sell in a rising housing price market. So now those loans are not worth anything (besides they have been bundled, cut, bundled and cut so nobody knows who actually owns the loan on a particular house anyway). So the "solution" is for the government (that really means taxpayers, remember), to "buy up" those horrible loans? With what money?--the REAL answer to this last question is that the government is simply making money out of thin air. The plan is to inflate our currency--so the value of each dollar will drop. It is obvious to me that inflating the currency is the OPPOSITE of what should be done. We were told that the $700 BILLION "bailout package" was necessary and it HAD to be passed immediately. HOGWASH. Now we are told by the very same people that $700 Billion is not enough, the plan they sold to Congress will not work, so they will not be doing that, but now a small handful of appointed people have billions of dollars to hand out to whomever they wish all in the name of emergency assistance. Insane. Simply insane.

I totally agree...our government is insane! Now, when are you going to run for office? I'd vote for you! :)
I agree,as a small business owner who has followed the rules. Worked hard all our lives for what we have are frustrated to have to pay even more for the governments lack of dealing responsibility of managing the peoples money. Why would we trust them to manage more when they can't manage what they are responsible for now?
We've lost like everyone else a lot of money from our retirement account that we are doing on our own because we know the government won't be there for us in the future, and yet they somehow are trying to take even that.
Eric & I don't live above our means and pay all our bills. We did get a loan for our new building because the banks can count on us paying it back. We hope to honor that agreement. If the government doesn't put everyone else out of business.
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