Saturday, January 26, 2008


Dan went to church about 8:00, to this morning to take some food in for a funeral dinner later in the day. When he entered the kitchen, he saw wisps of smoke and smelled a burning smell like plastic, or an electrical fire. Upon investigation, he could not see any explanation for this in the kitchen. He called the school administrator (who lives across the street from the school) then returned to investigate some more. On the way, he passed the gym. He noticed that the pass through window between the gym and kitchen was open, so he turned on the light in the gym--and saw massive amounts of smoke! He called 9-1-1 and they told him to leave the building. Outside, he could see smoke, too, so circled around until he saw flames in the window of the furnace room.

Apparently, there were some rolls of plastic mats stacked too close to the window vent in the furnace room, a furnace went out for lack of air, when gas built up and ignited from other boilers, the mats caught fire. It must have all happened shortly before Dan showed up--the firemen put the fire out with a fire extinguisher. There was no serious damage, but the "what ifs" are causing us to think. We praise God for His hand of protection on our church & school.

Thank the Lord had been there and he has a good nose.
I changed all the batteries on my smoke detectors and will change them in 6 months. I also have fire extinquishers near any possible fire sites, oven, fireplace. It's amaing "it only takes a spark to get a fire going"
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Thanks for sharing the story. It must have seemed scary at the time, but it is a great reminder that there is no need to worry about the 'what ifs'! (We MIGHT need to worry about the person(s) who stacked up those mats! They must feel TERRIBLE right now!)
the school is saved! glad there was no serious damage.
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