Monday, December 10, 2007
Photographs say a lot. In these two pictures are my fore bearers, and me.
I am the baby, about two months old, and I am being held by my dad, Al, who is 20 years old in this picture. To the left of him is my grandfather, Norman who was 40 in this picture. Beside his is my great grandfather, Will, who was 60 here. In the other picture is my great great grand parents, James and Elsie Forbes, who emmigratred from Scotland on the same day as their marriage. James' family would have been VERY upset that he married a Protestant girl (Elsie Ross).
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I love the old pictures. Times have changed but people haven't. I was a AG girl who married a catholic boy and that didn't go over too well. But God is good and he worked it all out.
Hi guys! I love history, especially when it is family history. I had to print the pictures out. I have never seen your baby pictures. Jenny is right, "What a cutie pie!".
Great pictures, Dan! It is interesting that Cheryl's Great-Grandmother's name was Elsie (Wright) Tobey. I bet that we have a four generation picture somewhere of Cheryl, her mom, grandma and Great-Grandma Elsie. That would be neat to have with your four-generations of males picture, wouldn't it?
Yeah! Kathy found the 4 generation picture of Cheryl as a baby with her mom, grandma and great-grandma Tobey. We will get that to you soon.
I got busy and scanned some other pictures that I found while looking for that one. Cheryl might get a kick out of seeing some that I posted on my blog.
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I got busy and scanned some other pictures that I found while looking for that one. Cheryl might get a kick out of seeing some that I posted on my blog.
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