Saturday, December 22, 2007
Just think about it for a moment--the Guardians of Civilization are not politicians, or teachers, or artists--they are plumbers. If you were to go camping, which do you prefer, "civilized" camp sites with running water and indoor plumbing, "primitive" sites with outhouses, or "uncivilized"--where you create your own...well, you know. When the plumbing does not work, things are bad.
The evidence was several feet behind the house--bare patches over the septic tank--and those little bare spots were especially concerning, as it was bare earth visible where there is normally lush grass. Hmmmm. So I popped the lid on the lift station (between the septic tank and the leach field. It was full to the brim with gray water. Very Bad News! So I had to dip the water out until I reached the pipe going to the leach field (I saved most of the water in buckets I have collected for this purpose), and disconnected it to pull the pump out. It would not work, and since I had replaced the float switch last year (yes, this has been a regular event), I had to go to the store to purchase anew pump. Four hours later, the job was done--only $170 invested, since THIS plumber works cheap. We are once again "Civilized"!
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I can relate to this event. Just this last friday I called roto rooter for some assistance. It is a yearly event. Apparently we have roots that block the enterance to our septic tank and when this happens once a year, everything backs up. Oh my! The price for this yearly event has gone up $10. This year it was $89. I gladly paid it to be back into civilization.
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