Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Jenny pleaded with me to post my "Thursday Droodles" so here is the one I am using in school this week. It is an easy one. I am still not sure that this will be a regular feature of this blog--I guard my droodles very carefully as I only have enough for six school years (not including Thursdays that are followed by a scheduled Friday off school). That way a 7th grader who kept records would have no advantage even as a Senior--does anyone know such a 7th grader?! Once they are published, the secret would be out and that might ruin the effect in school. So--feel free to guess, but i may not be publishing the correct answers.

Whew, dad - an easy one? I haven't been guessing these things for years. Ten, to be exact. I will have to mull this one over...
I can't believe this--nobody at school or here even had a serious guess--this is SOOO obvious--it is a sign on the dotted line!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I get it ... sign on the dotted line. hee hee.
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